Meetings and Events

HardenedBSD 2021 State of the Hardened Union, Shawn Webb
2021-04-07 @ 18:45 EDT (22:45 UTC) - Google +

Over the last few years, since the last State of the Hardened Union, HardenedBSD has made strides in several areas. We're now focused as a hardened human rights-focused operating system. This presentation will dive into recent developments of the OS itself along with our focus on human rights. We'll highlight some unique areas where HardenedBSD is being used in production.

Shawn is a senior security engineer and lead technical architect for BlackhawkNest, Inc. He is also the cofounder of HardenedBSD and its lead security engineer. He was introduced into the security industry as a teenager, falling in love with both offensive and defensive security. Shawn has written tools like libhijack, which aims to make runtime process infection dead simple on FreeBSD. Now he works primarily on the defensive end, implementing exploit mitigations and security hardening technologies in HardenedBSD.