Meetings and Events

Designing Versatile Unix Utilities, Eric Radman
2015-01-13 @ 17:45 EST (22:45 UTC) - Stone Creek Bar & Lounge, 140 E 27th St +
Notice: day and location change

Designing versatile utilities for Unix-like systems requires attention to specific concerns and involves specific disciplines.

This talk aims to highlight the key concerns in play during the development of that are applicable for anyone who endeavors to develop tooling that establishes more effective paradigms for working on *BSD.

Eric has been building and supporting in-house and public-facing Internet services on BSD and Linux for more than 13 years. His most significant endeavours have centered on eradicating operational dissonance between services by writing new applications or restructuring existing network services to take advantage of common data marshaled by PostgreSQL. For nearly 5 years he has also functioned as apologist for the use of built-in self-tests and test-driven development.

Eric refuses to believe that the ThinkPad keyboard is dead, notwithstanding abundant evidence that it has been replaced. Although he has never been an outstanding writer, he considers composing essays and to be essential and a compelling reason to be up before sunrise. Select journal entries can be found on his home page at