Meetings and Events

PostgreSQL + ZFS on FreeBSD, Andrew Wong
2013-09-04 @ 18:45 EDT (22:45 UTC) - Suspenders Bar and Restaurant +

A quick introduction to the installation, configuration of Postgres on FreeBSD and ZFS with a demo of using CitiBike data collected every minute since May 28, 2013.

The talk will cover:

After the talk there will be time for questions pertaining to the content covered and some anecdotes about running similar systems in production.

Andrew Wong, Sofware Engineer for AppNexus, previous worked at Viggle and Gilt Groups in NYC. The last three years I've worked on designing and implementing Data Warehouse loops with an emphasis on data freshness. Currently working on the data delivery system for Real-Time Bidding (RTB) and optimizing/rationalizing databases. Still in search of why Ike thinks man sections 1-7 are a waste of space.