Meetings and Events

VPN & PAE, Mischa Diehm & Mickey Shalayeff
2006-05-03 @ 18:30 EDT (22:30 UTC) - Suspenders Bar and Restaurant +

Part 1: VPNs with OpenBSD in large corporate networks:

Large corporate networks are traditionally a mess. Historically grown, designed and maintained by a number of different people and never really intended to be secure. Above all big companies are operating globally and often use the internet to connect their locations, employees and 3rd party supporters. We need very flexible ways to deal with the vast number of requirements to secure these networks. This talk will show different practical approaches in building flexible secure VPNs with OpenBSD at different network levels.

Mischa is working on VPN and Firewall deployment at GeNUAmbH in Munich, where he maintains large scale network and firewall setups.

Part 2: Implementing PAE for OpenBSD/i386:

Not yet committed to OpenBSD, Mickey has been working on PAE for OpenBSD i386. Essentially, it`s about supporting up to 64 gig of physical memory.

It is hard to find some code which Mickey Shalayeff has not at least influenced in OpenBSD. He seems to be dextrous on any hardware platform and is equally well versed in PCI as he is SCSI. Mickey is readily available on the message lists and is always happy to help impart some of his vast networking knowledge to beggars and sysadmins with a smile. He recently left New York City to cause havoc in Berlin.