Meetings and Events

Time Mgmt for SysAdmins, Tom Limoncelli
2005-11-02 @ 17:00 EST (22:00 UTC) - Apple Store (SoHo) +

Who has the time for time management!? Users interrupt you constantly with requests, your managers want you to get long-term projects done but flood you with requests for quick-fixed, and the machines you manage just never behave, causing problems at the most inopportune moments.

Tom will discuss techniques he has developed over the last 15 years including:

Tom Limoncelli has over 15 years of system administration experience and has been teaching workshops on Time Management at conferences since 2003. Tom has worked for both large and small organizations, including Bell Labs and AT&T. He speaks at conferences around the world. His previous book, "The Practice of Network and System Administration", is considered a standard reference in system administration.