Meetings and Events

Open Source Software, Phillip Moore
2005-06-01 @ 18:00 EDT (22:00 UTC) - Apple Store (SoHo) +

A presentation will be made on The Evolving Role of Open Source Software in Large Enterprises. Here is the Audio.

Phillip Moore recently left Morgan Stanley, where he was Executive Director of UNIX Engineering. There Phil was a senior architect, responsible for the evolution of the Firm's UNIX/Linux infrastructure. His past accomplishments include the deployment of Morgan Stanley's perl development environment, global filesystem (AFS), and transactional messaging infrastructure (MQSeries), with over 15 years experience deploying solutions to problems of extreme scalability. He is the original author of the MQSeries suite of perl modules, and a member of the OpenAFS Advisory Council. Phil left Morgan Stanley to more fully participate in the open source community. He is an open source advocate and enterprise technology consultant.