Meetings and Events

OpenBSD on PA-RISC, Michael Shalayeff
2005-03-02 @ 17:00 EST (22:00 UTC) - Apple Store (SoHo) +

Michael "Mickey" Shalayeff will talk about the hppa port of OpenBSD which he maintains. He maintains many of the applications which run on this peculiar platform and will provide some insight to the inquisitive as to what this combo can do. Presentation Slides are here.

Mickey has contributed heavily to the CARP project which has become such a success. It is hard to find some code which Mickey has not at least influenced in OpenBSD. He seems to be dexterous on any hardware platform and is equally well versed in PCI as he is SCSI. Mickey is readily available on the message lists and is always happy to help impart some of his vast networking knowledge to beggars and sysadmins with a smile (;